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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 8 Feb 2012, 04:00pm View »

Body Sculpting Singapore.

The Trend On Body Sculpting Singapore

Today, there are several people who want their physical attributes to be enhanced by trying out different alternatives like surgical augmentations. This has been found to be effective by several individuals but it entails spending a great amount of money; so for those who cannot afford, it is not yet the time to despair because there are healthier options that produce equally remarkable results.


Remarkable Results On Body Sculpting Singapore

Fantasizing about a body similar to a celebrity or a model’s is almost about to become a thing of the past because even regular people can already achieve a sculpted physique by just following a good regimen composed of a healthy diet and an intensive exercise routine.
Body Sculpting Singapore is not only about getting a liposuction and other surgical procedures in order to achieve perfectly formed abdominal and gluteal muscles. Currently, there are workout options that will allow you to burn unwanted body fats and at the same time mould the muscles which have been hidden from the naked eye.


Exercises For Body Sculpting Singapore

Stretching exercises are now being recognized by many experts as the key not only to warming up and to relaxing but also to introducing tension to sleeping muscles. Pilates is one of the many techniques that involve the use of various types of stretching routines that target problem spots particularly the big muscle groups found on the thighs, lower abs, and back.
Weight lifting involves the use of machines and weights that force the muscles to function to its maximum potential. It is important that you choose the weights that are heavy enough to challenge you without tearing your muscle tissues.
Remember that these options are all proven to be effective but should be accompanied by the right attitude. Doing a routine three to four times a week will help you achieve a sculpted body in as little as four weeks.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 7 Feb 2012, 02:00pm View »

Fitness Gyms In Singapore.

Finding Fitness Gyms In Singapore For A Healthier Lifestyle

With all the various fitness gyms in Singapore, picking the right one for you can be a bit tricky. Others may say that it’s just an exercise room, but a veteran workout buff will tell you that the atmosphere of your workout centre is as important as your routines. If you can’t be comfortable in it, then there’s no way for you to be able to complete your weekly exercise plan. Worse, an uncomfortable surrounding will leave you with a bunch of nerves that will hinder you from getting any workout done. There are several points to consider when choosing your workout centre.


The Beauty Of Fitness Gyms In Singapore These Days

A good workout centre is also vital to motivate yourself. Most centres nowadays are amazingly packed with several pieces of exercise equipment. If you’re working out in a friendly and motivating surrounding, there will be no hesitation on your part to try some or all of the exercise equipment.
Fitness gyms in Singapore pride themselves for having a multi-purpose workout area. Unlike before when its amenities only consist of colourful mats, a boxing area and few treadmills, now, they boost a swimming pool for those who use this sport as their everyday exercise, a kickboxing area where newbies and pros can spar against each other, a half-court basketball area and other easy to use yet serious pieces of equipment. Some even have a special zone for yoga and Pilates.


Fitness Gyms In Singapore – Other Services Offered

They also give options to both potential and old members if they want to enrol in a solo or group workout session with an instructor. Others even have a selection of all male or all female exercise activities.
Enrolling in a fitness gym with wide array of gear and sports areas is beneficial to health and fitness enthusiasts because there’s always an instructor roaming around the centre. He or she will give pointers on what kind of activities your body needs. For instance, if you need to build the muscles in your calves, you will be directed to a leg press machine or you’ll be given a sequence of calf exercises.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 5 Feb 2012, 04:00pm View »

Personal Training.

Looking At The Advantages Of Personal Training Programs In The Gym

Each one of us is unique. So the saying “different strokes for different folks” is just fitting to describe each of our requirements to stay healthy. Some people will benefit from enrolling in an aerobics class. Others might do well with kickboxing sessions, while others will find that Yoga or weight lifting works very well for them. If you are searching for the best exercise regimen to keep you healthy, you must consider the benefits that you can get from personal training workouts.
Personal training services are usually offered in gyms. Having a personal trainer is advantageous primarily because he or she can assess and evaluate your fitness needs and design a workout to address those needs. Furthermore, personal training sessions prevents any mishaps or injuries from happening to you while you are working out. Most people have the mistaken notion that all they need to achieve a fit body is to go to the gym and try out all pieces of equipment there. A personal gym instructor will tell you that this isn’t so.
If you avail of personal training services from the best gyms, the trainer will focus on guiding you step by step towards achieving the body weight that is ideal for your body type. Most gym members try to rush this process, and quit in the middle of things because they do not feel that they are seeing the results that they expect. A personal trainer can help you pace your progress, and even act as a motivator and cheerleader in times when you feel that you are not reaching your workout goals fast enough.
When you are working out, you must keep in mind that your personal safety is of paramount importance. Sometimes, a mishandled weight or a misstep on the treadmill can have near-fatal results. Personal training sessions under the sharp eye of capable instructors can help minimize or even prevent the dangers posed by some pieces of equipment in the gym.
If you are ready to enroll in a personal training program, make sure that you personally meet your workout instructor prior to your first session. This way, you get to see if you and your instructor would be able to get along in working toward your goal of achieving a fit and healthy body.

Category: Personal Training

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 4 Feb 2012, 03:00pm View »

Personal Training Program.

The Perks Of A Personal Training Program

One of the best features to consider when enrolling in a fitness center is the availability of a personal training program. A client who is aware of what he really wants to achieve with his body will definitely find more determination going to the gym knowing that there is a program that gets him the results that he needs.
A personal training program is specifically planned to either help someone lose weight or build muscles. Depending on the goal of an individual, a number of specific exercises are grouped and are then performed as part of the daily fitness routine to ensure that the particular goal is achieved.
A common goal is to gain stamina, which is most likely the principal target of an exercise regimen for athletes and runners. This just goes to show that for every fitness objective, there in an equivalent personal training program suited for every individual.
After deciding on the appropriate program that fits a client, the next step is to see to it that he religiously adheres to it. A competent and skilled trainer is the most important factor to make this doable.
The sought-after combination of an accessible personal training program and a qualified fitness coach will absolutely boost the willpower of an individual to regularly engage in his chosen program. With this consideration, it pays to enroll in a top-notch fitness center, like Gold’s Gym, as it is assured that only the best and finest fitness trainers are there to assist their clients.
A few months into a disciplined personal training program, one may notice the welcome changes brought about by the amount of work that he had put into achieving his fitness goals. With unmatched perseverance, it wouldn’t take long for those unwanted inches to fall off. Toning the body follows soon after, adding an aura of confidence and self-discipline. These are just some of the perks that one can expect from a personal training program that may be availed of at Gold’s Gym.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 2 Feb 2012, 10:00am View »

Pure Fitness.

Fit Or Fat? Make A Pure Fitness Choice!

Eating healthy food is the key to natural weight loss. Indeed, most people find it difficult to understand the correlation between weight loss and a healthy lifestyle choice. Many individuals do not even see the impact of their food choices on their weight!


Are You On The Lookout For Pure Fitness

Before you start traversing the path of healthy living, it is important for you to recognise one thing: your choices and actions in life dictate your weight and health. There are many things you have to consider especially if you really want to shed off those unwanted fats. Be prepared though, 100% commitment to such lifestyle choices may be required from you.
Start out by asking yourself, “How long did it take me to gain the weight I wish to lose?” Your reply to this answer must be honest and accurate. The bad news is that it’s always easier to gain weight than lose it. That’s already a scientific fact! To gain weight, all you need to do is eat more than you need or exercise less. Presto!


Unfortunately, you don’t need to gain, you need to lose so the process is the other way around. You need to cut down your food intake. You need to keep yourself in motion with exercise. Although the science behind losing weight may not be uplifting, knowing it can help you accomplish more positive results.


Opting For Pure Fitness Introduces A Healthy, Happy You

Choosing a healthier lifestyle is always the road less travelled. As you know, the process of losing weight and being fit can be a long arduous journey. You may find yourself beaten down and upset at some point, but have no worries. If you dedicate your time and focus on your goals, there’s no way you can’t do it. At the end of your long journey, you will find the greatest reward: a healthier, happier you.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 1 Feb 2012, 05:00pm View »

Fitness First Singapore.

Fitness First Singapore Is Spot-On

Using the words “fitness first” to emphasise the importance of prioritising physical health and wellbeing is quite fitting. The message is simple and straight to the point making it an effective reminder for people of all ages, of any gender and body type.


Why do we need to put fitness first anyway? Well, we have to do so if we want to make the most out of life. We need to remain physically fit to be able to perform the things we must and want to do. While they most obviously serve our personal interests, the benefits of physical fitness extend to work to the advantage of the people around us.
By being physically fit, we feel better inside and out. The exercises have a way of stimulating the brain chemicals which bring out the happy and relaxed feelings in us. Aside from that, whenever we look at ourselves in the mirror, we see improvements in our bodies and those things make us proud of our achievements so far. The positive remarks we received from other people further reinforce the good work we are putting in the process of attaining our fitness goals.


Also, since calories are burned whenever we engage in a physical activity, we are able to maintain the weight we wanted. In the same light, we can prevent adding some excess weight we don’t want to have.


Moreover, exercise is good for the immune system. If it is at the pink of its health, we can build a good defence against illnesses.


Fitness First Singapore Is A Lifestyle Choice

It is important to make physical fitness a part of our daily routines. The logic is simple: if we take good care of our bodies, we can expect that they will return the favour. Working towards achieving better physical health and fitness enables our bodies to take good care of us.


Fitness First Singapore: Rewards For The Prompt

Lastly, it is advisable for us to start taking care of our health as early as we can. Let us not put off the chance to enjoy life more, to improve the quality of time we spend with the ones we choose to be surrounded with, to finally do the things we seem to never find the time for, and to live long enough to see the fruits of our labour.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 30 Jan 2012, 05:35pm View »

Weight Lifting.

Experiencing The Advantages Of Weight Lifting Workouts

Many people wish that they could be slimmer not only because a trim body makes them look good but also because of the health benefits that come with being leaner and weighing closer to one’s ideal weight. One of the best workouts that guarantee results toward a person’s goal for a fitter body is weight lifting.


Weight Lifting Defined

Resistance exercise is any form of exercise where one’s muscles contract against an outside resistance; the goal of resistance exercise is to increase one’s strength, develop body tone and/or mass, and gain muscular endurance. Commonly known as “pumping iron”, resistance exercise usually makes use of dumbbells, elastic bands and/or tubing, weight machines, one’s own body weight, and any other objects or pieces of equipment that will provide resistance and force one’s muscles to contract. Over time and when the person working out is consistent with the training, he or she will see the positive results in terms of overall appearance and state of wellbeing.


Getting Started With Your Weight Lifting Workout

As with any exercise program, it is important for a person to set realistic goals for himself or herself when beginning resistance training. These goals will not only give the person a sense of accomplishment at the end of each workout day but also ensures that he or she does not go overboard at the beginning of the training, which could result in serious injury. Personal workout trainers advise their charges to set realistic, short-term goals as they progress through the steps of the workout. In weight lifting, each workout progresses in increments, so it is important to not expect to see big results too soon.


The Importance Of Choosing The Correct Weight Lifting Equipment

Weight lifting does not have to be an expensive exercise regimen. The muscles of the body would never know the difference between a piece of equipment that costs several thousand dollars and something that a person bought in an online auction at a rock-bottom price. The important thing to consider is how many reps you can accomplish with each piece of equipment in order to get optimal results.
So, once a person has set his or her workout goals and has the necessary weight lifting equipment on hand, training can begin.

Category: Weight Lifting

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 30 Jan 2012, 05:00pm View »

California Fitness.

Trying Out New Workout Programs From California Fitness And Other Gyms
California Fitness And Other Big Fitness Centres

If there’s a miracle product that guarantees you the perfect body you are dreaming of without having to work hard for it, it would be sold out within minutes. But unfortunately, there’s no such thing. Whatever the ads of a new slimming product tells you, it’s just not about quick fixes. The only way to get fit is by getting healthy, which means leading a healthy lifestyle and physically working hard for it. Gym centres know this. But the problem is that big fitness centres in Singapore, such as California Fitness, make working out sound like a miracle product ad by promising fast results.


Perhaps it’s a marketing tactic or a ploy to win clients. After all, with numerous branches all over the country, they need people to sign with them. That’s why you can see gym centres and fitness clubs luring people to sign up with free trials, beauty spas, non-invasive therapies, state-of-the-art facilities, and other features. These add-ons are admittedly so appealing that even the most reluctant consumer would sign up for membership. But as enticing as these extra features are, they are also distracting.
Though they certainly are fun, they only give shallow results. Instead of working out to get fit and healthy the conventional way, people are looking for easier ways to shed their unwanted body fats. They get distracted from the real reason why they should get fit, which is to attain health.
Also, with the marketing tactic of different gyms, it seems that there’s a new, revolutionary fitness program that you must try and pay for every now and then, each one promising better results than the last. If they deliver as promised, you’d never know because you have switched to another newer program a little earlier than you should.


Fitness Programs From Gym Centres Like California Fitness

There’s a reason why people keep going back to old-fashioned, sweat-inducing workouts. It’s because these workouts, though they demand time and commitment, simply work. There are new fitness programs emerging from time to time from gyms and health centres like California Fitness. Before signing up for a new one, you should commit time and energy on your current one first. You might see results that you want and need without having to switch anymore.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 29 Jan 2012, 02:00pm View »

Sports Gym.

Sports Gym Activities To Help You Lose Weight

A lot of people dread going to the gym. For them, working out is simply too much work. Doing the same thing over and over again three times a week may help us achieve our desired weight, but it can get boring. Going to the gym would feel like a chore. But even though exercising is tedious sometimes, we can make it exciting. Instead of just sweating it out in a workout machine, we can try different sports gym activities to help us lose weight in an enjoyable way.
Partaking in a sports gym activity makes working out fun. It can even motivate us go back to the gym more willingly. Unlike when we exercise alone in the treadmill machine or do sit-ups on our mat, we get to show our sportsmanship with sports. And because we are actively competing with other gym-goers, we feel the need to push ourselves to give more.


Classes You Can Join In A Sports Gym Activity

The good thing about gyms nowadays is that there are more than just equipment and mats inside. There are also open spaces where they hold different classes. If you think you need a break from the rowing machine once a week, look at the gym’s available sports classes that you can join. Pick a class that interests you and that is open on your available time.
Sports inside a gym can include kickboxing, swimming, basketball, tennis, and badminton, depending on the gym’s available facilities. As gyms are mostly indoor establishments, don’t expect other types of sports that need big and open spaces, like football, in the gym’s class schedule.
Another great thing with playing sports in the gym is that a lot of sports target the toning of various body parts. Whatever sports you choose, you get to work out different areas and improve overall health. Sports activities also get us mentally alert. They help us improve our mental and physical health at the same time.
Sports gym exercises help us gain motivation in coming to the gym often. We enter the gym because we want to maximize the membership fee we paid or simply want to get fit, but without something to motivate us, then we can easily forget those reasons. Sports workout can give us the drive to actually step in the gym and get fit.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 22 Jan 2012, 05:00pm View »

Gyms Singapore.

What Are The Qualities Of The Gyms Singapore Fitness Buffs Would Like To Visit?

Singapore has been hit by the fitness bug, and the evidence of this lies in the growing number of fitness gyms cropping up all over the country. There are now gyms of every type, orientation, size, and shape. If you are considering enrolling in a gym some time soon, you would certainly wish to know which gyms Singapore fitness buffs prefer to become members of. Below are the characteristics of quality fitness gyms in Singapore.


Presence Of Onsite Personal Trainers

Gyms Singapore fitness buffs would like to frequent are those that have onsite personal trainers who are willing and ready to give assistance to members doing their workout routines. Although many people have an idea of how they want to look like, they usually do not know how to attain the body shape that they dream for themselves. Some of these individuals go to the gym and use any equipment available, on the mistaken notion that all of the workout routines they are doing would help them attain the fitness that they long for. Most of these individuals are even putting themselves at risk for serious injuries.
A personal trainer can design an exercise program for a member in order for him or her to safely and steadily get in shape.


The Availability Of Different Workout Equipment

The difference between other gyms and gyms Singapore fitness buffs like to visit is the variety of equipment available. A person who works out regularly will sooner or later get bored with the routine. Thus, the availability of other pieces of equipment in a quality gym can help stave off a member’s boredom and still allow him or her to log in some workout routines.


Open For Use At Member’s Most Convenient Time

Gyms Singapore fitness buffs would like to visit are the ones that allow the members use of the gym at the hours suited to them. Ideally, then, these gyms are open for longer periods of time in order to accommodate those individuals who are also working professionals and may only be able to come in after their office hours.

Category: Gym In Singapore

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