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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 1 Mar 2012, 04:00pm View »

Fitness Trainer Singapore.

Fitness Trainer Singapore – What Seasoned Pros Say About The Qualities Of A Great Gym


A personal trainer and fitness professional is definitely the best resource person when it comes to gyms.
After all, as a professional dedicated to helping people achieve their fitness goals, he or she has the core knowledge of how to evaluate gym equipment and rate the standards of various gyms. A fitness trainer Singapore would most definitely have the scoop and inside information on anything related to exercise and fitness.
Thus, it is only practical that when finding out which gym to go to, you should listen to what a fitness trainer has to say.


The Downside Of A Bad Gym, According To A Certified Personal Trainer

A fitness trainer Singapore often cautions people against enlisting in just any gym. It is imperative that certain standards are met.
Usually, a wrong choice of gym results in one getting so frustrated that all resolve for getting fit and trim just melts away. Thus, a fitness trainer often counsels that the first thing to do is choose a gym, and do so with prudence and wisdom.


During The Sales Pitch, Never Fall For A Hard Sell

One telltale sign, according to a fitness trainer Singapore, that a potential gym is good is that there is never a hard sell. Gym personnel, including the trainers, usually focus on the client’s fitness goals and proceeds to elaborate on certain programs that may answer such objectives.
If, at the onset, you are pushed to enroll in this or that program without clarifying your reasons for joining a gym in the first place, then slowly and graciously head for the door.
What’s more, if the trainers use negative observations to entice you to sign up, don’t. Any seasoned fitness trainer Singapore will tell you that the sentence, “Your body is in such bad shape,” is not a positive reinforcement.
The danger here is that trainers might have the tendency to point out your weaknesses as you train, causing you to be discouraged, rather than the other way around.
A good gym also offers a free trial without pressure or obligation to enlist after said period.


When In Training, A Great Gym Offers Compleat Service

A credible fitness trainer Singapore also emphasizes that gyms worth your time and money provide not just exercise equipment, but sound physical assessment as well.
Before getting you into a program, a good gym will make a thorough examination of your physical condition to determine body fat, measurements, mineral and digestive tests, including hormonal and genetic tendencies.
All these will be taken into consideration and used as basis for a personalized program for you. Another word of caution is that one-size fits all programs are not at all effective.
Remember that each client is unique. Thus, you deserve nothing less than a training program perfectly suited for you!

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 29 Feb 2012, 03:00pm View »

Personal Trainer.

The Benefits Of Getting Yourself A Personal Trainer

A lot of people who enroll in fitness centers or gyms often find it unnecessary to get themselves a personal trainer. Some feel that getting one will just lead to extra spending, and that personal fitness trainers might just hinder their set fitness goals.
But contrary to that belief, getting yourself a personal fitness trainer will in fact save you effort, money and time while working out in the gym.


How Personal Fitness Trainers Help You Get Started

If it is your first time to work out in the gym, you might get perplexed with all the hi-tech and seemingly complicated fitness equipment all around you. You might find yourself clueless on which equipment to use first and how to use it properly.
Your personal trainer will be the one to guide you in choosing the right equipment for a particular fitness goal. A reliable trainer will discuss with you the simplest routines as well as the more complicated ones to properly tone down your body.


Your Personal Trainer Keeps You Motivated

During the first few days of your training, most often you are excited and motivated. But as the days transpire during your fitness program, you may feel less motivated to go on. A personal trainer will help keep you motivated. Plus, having someone to assist you during trainings will make you feel that your effort is not wasted. You have someone to measure and monitor your routines.
Your trainer can also provide structure and accountability to help you develop a good lifestyle for your health and fitness. Trainers are equipped with plans which you need to follow throughout the course of your training.


A Personal Trainer Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

Achieving your goal– whether it’s for health or improved body curves – will be easier when you have someone to guide you. Before starting with your training, your fitness trainer is likely to discuss with you the goals you want to achieve. With this knowledge, he’ll provide you with a plan which you can follow to achieve that particular goal.
There are different routines which you must engage in depending on what results you want to gain — be it for muscle-firming, losing weight or increasing stamina — and your personal trainer will help you achieve these effectively.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 27 Feb 2012, 05:00pm View »

True Fitness Singapore.

Getting Fit With True Fitness Singapore Gyms And Other Fitness Centres
True Fitness Singapore Gyms And Other Health And Fitness Centres

Getting in shape requires commitment and hard work. And sometimes, it also requires a membership to a gym. Of course we can all just exercise in the comfort of our own home, but that’s just it, our home is too comfortable. Even if we have the right exercise equipment, a lot of us just don’t get the motivation that we need at home. And besides, there are also times when we can’t seem to lose that extra bulge on our hips no matter how long we run on the treadmill. Times like this call for experts’ help. And we can find them in gyms like True Fitness Singapore health centres.


There other problems we encounter with going to the gym, though. First, we need to pay for membership and other fees, which are not cheap to say the least. Then we also get to wait in line to use the machines and other facilities in the gym when there are just too many members inside at the same time. And, as we all know, waiting for our turn is never fun, especially if we have a tight schedule ahead of us.
This is often the complaint of gym-goers who are members of large fitness centres in the country. They may have extra features and added facilities that they may or may not need, but they have a hard time using them. Some mega-gyms have really expensive fees, while others offer relatively cheaper rates. The problem with gyms with cheaper rates is that they also recruit as many members as they can without even considering how many of those will use the facilities at the same time. This leaves members wasting more time waiting for their turn to use exercise equipment than actually exercising.


Rates And Facilities Of True Fitness Singapore Centres And Other Wellness Gyms

Private gym rates in Singapore range from $30 to $150 per month. Membership fees are not yet included in those figures, as well as other incidentals. Some members are offered free trials for a week, not knowing that there are hidden expenses included in that promo. So in the end, what may look affordable at first isn’t actually very cheap. Still, these gyms boast of relaxation lounges, sauna rooms, and studios among others. If we can use them at our own convenient time and without paying extra, then they are great.
But these add-ons are, more often than not, either have extra fees or occupied by other members. If we can’t use what we paid for, then we might as well just exercise at home. Many health and fitness centres in the country like True Fitness Singapore gyms lure new members with large facilities and state-of-the-art equipment. Those things can be very helpful, but let’s not forget why we come to gyms in the first place. We need to get in shape and acquire optimum health, which we can get without any frills, but just with good old-fashioned workout and fitness program.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 27 Feb 2012, 05:00pm View »

Fitness Classes.

What Can You Expect In Group Fitness Classes?

There is a great advantage when things are done by groups. For many, a group effort produces more results than doing something alone. If you are considering stepping up your fitness level but hate to do things alone, why not enroll in fitness classes that are designed for groups? You and your friends can enroll and reap the advantages of becoming fit while, at the same time, have fun in the process of getting there?
There are numerous health and fitness centers that offer group fitness classes. Once you find the establishment that you like, the next thing that you need is a qualified fitness trainer to handle the fitness programs. Most gyms have certified exercise trainers who will exclusively handle the classes for groups.


What Goes On In Group Fitness Classes?

Obviously, there will be a number of individuals who attend the exercise sessions. Most of the time, these attendees know each other from work or are friends who wish to improve their fitness levels. The fitness classes will be varied, and are usually supervised by a fitness trainer who had specialized training in handling group workouts.


What Are The Types Of Programs Available For Group Fitness Classes?

Strength training, muscle conditioning, cardiovascular exercises, and body toning exercises are some of the examples of exercises sessions that can be done by a group of people. Most of the time, the workouts focused on cardiovascular fitness are set to music, and it is the trainer who selects what music to play during exercise sessions. Furthermore, it is the trainer who choreographs the workout sequences for the group.
The latest conditioning workout trends in group fitness classes are Pilates and Yoga. The instructor or trainer will demonstrate the moves and positions (or poses) of the exercise method, expecting the trainees to follow them. Then, the instructor will move around among the trainees who are in their poses and observe each one, as well as correct those who are doing the moves improperly.


What Is The Biggest Advantage Of Group Fitness Classes?

The support that the group provides each of the members of the exercise class will be a wonderful motivation for each of the members so that they will stick with the program and achieve the fitness results that they wish for themselves.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 24 Feb 2012, 03:00pm View »


Weightlifting To Unleash Strength Potential

Weightlifting, like power lifting and strength training, is a form of resistance exercise. The primary objective of this workout group is to build muscle mass and gain strength through contractions in the muscles with the aid of an external force coming from tools such as dumbbells, weight sets, or any heavy object.
Weightlifting is entirely different from weight training in that it does not solely rely on a series of repetitive muscle contractions to achieve its goal. Its correct execution is a product of a more scientific approach to increasing mass and strength.
A vital factor to take into consideration with this type of activity, as stated in, is the Principle of Progressive Overload. Simply put, it would be necessary to increase the weight of the tools being used as soon as the lifter already finds it easier to lift them compared to the first time he did. The principle behind this is that staying at the same weight level for a prolonged period of time will hold back the expected increase in mass and strength.
Another important theory pertaining to weightlifting is called Volitional Fatigue. Fitness professionals believe that achieving the desired results may be enhanced by wearing out the muscles per each set. By doing so, there is a greater likelihood that the muscles reach their optimal strength, paving the way for more advanced development of the muscle tissues.
As per this theory, it is best to know when to stop and proceed to the next set to ensure that the outcomes of weightlifting are attained. In this case, it is when the lifter can no longer do one more repetition without the help of a trainer or any physical object that may provide some needed support to the weight.
Only a few gym-goers find it interesting to get into weightlifting because for most, it’s more of an athletic event that they normally would see only during the Olympics. But for those who believe in pushing their bodies to the limit, it surely is one way to unleash their real strength potential.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 21 Feb 2012, 05:00pm View »


Fascinating Facts About The Gym

There are many fascinating things that can happen in a gym. In fact, most people become members of fitness clubs because they need some sort of miracle: the miracle of transformation. After all, most fitness club members hope that in working out, they can achieve a leaner, meaner, more attractive physique.
But the word “gymnasium”, in itself, is surrounded by interesting bits of trivia. Here are some of the more interesting tidbits about the fitness centers as we know them today.


Historical Origins Of The Gym

Long ago, in faraway Greece, a gym was a place exclusively for men. The Ancient Greeks considered this antiquarian fitness club as the go-to place to train both the minds and the bodies of men. In there, feats of strength are held, and the contenders would usually face each other off in the fighting area wearing nothing. This should not come as a surprise, then, considering that the term “gymnasium” literally means “a place to be without clothes on.”


The Decline Of The Gym

Sadly, Grecian fitness clubs did not survive after the decline of the Greek civilization. For centuries, in fact, no gymnasiums were to be found anywhere. Most probably, life during Medieval and Renaissance times was deemed physically taxing enough; focused exercise and fitness tournaments were not at all needed by ordinary citizens. The home could have been one’s own private fitness center, where one honed both body and mind while accomplishing chores.


The Rise Of The Modern Gym

Germany was the nation that resurrected the gym. This time, however, those who went to these fitness centers did so with their clothes on. Most of the early gymnasiums in Germany were built outdoors. It was only in 1852 that the first German indoor gymnasium was constructed, by a man named Adolph Spiess.
After that, by the time the 19th century rolled in, gymnasiums became popular places where people developed strength of mind and body. Schools even built their own gyms for the benefit of their students and faculty members. Historically, Harvard University built its gym in 1820. Then the United States Military Academy at West Point followed suit shortly thereafter. Thus, the word that originally meant to be a place where clothing is optional was now associated with schools and the academic world.

Category: Gym In Singapore

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 20 Feb 2012, 04:00pm View »

Weight Management.

Weight Management: Things To Keep In Mind To Keep Excess Weight Off

Reaching your goal of being within your ideal weight is worthy of a celebration. However, you must bear in mind that keeping the excess weight off forever requires self-discipline. After all, you would not want to see all your effort and hard work to get to your ideal weight go down the drain because you’ve allowed your self-control and discipline to fly out the window.
Based on the Nursing Interventions Classification, weight management is a form of medical or nursing intervention aimed to maintain a person’s optimal body weight and percent body fat. In simple terms, weight management is a process that helps a person attain his or her ideal body weight without resorting to drastic measures in order to get there.
In order to successfully carry out the goal of getting to one’s ideal weight, one must keep in mind that it is a fallacy – even a fatal one – to presume that in order to attain this goal, strict dieting must be enforced. Outside the world of fad diets, doctors and nutrition experts actually discourage these restrictive diets. This way of eating limits the nutrients that are in by the body. Sure, one can see the slimming effects of most diets. However, this nutrient deficiency can affect a person’s well-being in the long run. For weight management to be effective, doctors and health nutritionists advise that one should eat a balanced meal, always.
You must also realize that although genetics have a role in one’s weight, its role is not as big as one’s behavior. Genetic predisposition can have an impact on your weight, but it’s your behavior that makes you either lose or gain weight. So, as you ponder weight management, lift the blame of your previous excess fat from your ancestors; it’s time that you assume sole responsibility for your own excess poundage.
If you are designing a weight management program for yourself, you must free yourself from the influences of fad diets. An example would be completely ignoring one food group because you’ve heard of a diet that adheres to the principle that a particular food group is bad for one’s health and weight. What you must aim for is a nutritionally balanced diet coupled with a healthy lifestyle and daily exercise regimen. The keyword here is healthy. Knowing this, you will be happy to lose weight because you are aware that you are doing it in a healthy way.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 20 Feb 2012, 03:00pm View »

Control Weight.

Control Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Pregnant women gain weight during their pregnancy, which is completely natural and necessary to give room for the growing baby. But how much is too much – pregnant women are expected to gain weight but most of these expectant mothers’ biggest concern is weight gain. Most of them believe that once weight is gained during pregnancy it is very difficult to reduce it after. Actually it’s not that difficult to reduce weight after pregnancy but there is no harm in controlling weight during pregnancy so that there is no excessive weight gain. There are many ways in ensuring that weight gained during pregnancy is controlled.


Control Weight Gain By Eating Right

During pregnancy it’s absolutely necessary to eat a well-balanced diet so that the baby gets the necessary nutrients. Variety of food like bread, grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, eggs and meat will provide all the nutrients which the baby needs. Just because the baby requires more calories doesn’t mean that pregnant women need to consume extra food; adding an additional 100 calories during the first trimester and then 200-300 calories in the second & third trimester is quite enough for the baby to grow with the correct nutrition.


Pregnant women are known to have strong cravings for pickles, ice cream and even chocolates. It is a natural process; but if it is not kept under control it can alter the well-balanced diet to an extent which will result in weight gain. Over-indulging of these cravings should be controlled.


Control Weight Through Exercise

Most expectant mothers think that exercise can harm the baby inside them; on the contrary, doctors recommend exercise for pregnant women. It has been found that regular exercise during pregnancy ensures a strong heart of the baby and a good immune system. Furthermore, the length of labour during delivery will be shortened as well.


A very important point to remember is to consult the doctors before an exercise routine is selected during pregnancy. Pregnant women who eat well-balanced diet and exercise regularly enjoy a healthier pregnancy, an easier delivery and are able to get back in shape very quickly.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 19 Feb 2012, 05:00pm View »

Gyms In Singapore.

Which Of Those Fitness Gyms In Singapore Is The One Right For You?

Lately, there has been a rapid growth in the number of fitness gyms in Singapore. It seems like the fitness bug has finally hit the country, and fitness gyms of every type, orientation, size, and shape have established their businesses and are offering their services to the now-health conscious Singaporeans. But how would you know if those new fitness gyms in Singapore advertising the shiny equipment and state-of-the-art training programs would really work for you and help you attain the healthy body that you wish for?


Fitness Gyms in Singapore: Factors To Considering Before Applying For Gym Membership

You are probably aware that most fitness gyms require a minimum of one year’s worth of membership, and you must pay the membership fee up front. Before shelling out your money for gym membership, consider the type of fitness program you really need. Do you wish to develop your muscle mass? Then perhaps it is not a good idea to enroll in an aerobics program. What you probably need is a solid weight lifting program. This will bring us to the next factor that you must consider.


The Benefits Of A Personal Gym Trainer

In most fitness gyms, personal trainers are an institution. If you are unsure of what particular fitness program is right for your needs, then the best way to get information is through a consultation with a personal trainer. Having a personal gym trainer can have numerous advantages, and one of this has already been mentioned: trainers can assess the appropriate training program that a client needs.


Considering The Location Of Fitness Gyms In Singapore

Location is another factor that will play a significant role in your commitment to your training program. With that said, you must therefore scout for the fitness gyms in Singapore that are closest to your area, preferably just within walking distance from your residence. There is nothing more off-putting for someone going to the gym for an early morning workout than being stuck on the highway because of heavy traffic or on a train station platform because of late turnaround trains.

Category: Gym In Singapore

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 14 Feb 2012, 11:25am View »

Fitness Centres In Singapore.

A Guide To Finding The Best Fitness Centres In Singapore

In a country like Singapore, businessmen and employees do whatever they can to stay at the top of their game. As a businessman or an employee, you have to keep yourself sharp to remain ahead of competitors, whatever industry you’re in. One of the things that can greatly help you is by enrolling in fitness centres in Singapore and keeping yourself fit.
A sound body results in a sound mind. It’s no surprise that top executives remember to include exercise in their schedule. Even President Obama of the United States keeps himself fit by regularly playing his favorite sport, basketball.


Fitness Centres In Singapore – The Easiest Way To Keep Yourself Fit

For professionals in Singapore, the most accessible venues for exercising are gyms or fitness centres. All you have to do is pay a membership fee and just go to the gym whenever you can. Unless you enroll in scheduled gym classes, going to the gym wouldn’t cause any conflict with your work schedule.
Finding the best gym is not a tough task. There are many of them in the city. Just make a short list and visit the gyms you have listed. Seeing the overall gym environment would also help you decide if it’s the kind of gym you’d want to enroll in.
Highly recommended gyms always welcome potential clients to check out the facilities they have. Moreover, the best ones provide free consultations for you to find out how they can help you achieve your goals.


Fitness Centres In Singapore Help You Attain Your Goals

In your free consultation, you are given an idea of what your fitness program would be. The fitness program would depend on your goals. Whether it’s losing weight, bulking up, or just staying in shape, this program is necessary as this serves as your guide in reaching your goals. So, listen closely to what they have to say and think if it’s a program you’d want to have.
With the existence of great gyms in the city, there’s no reason for you not to choose to be healthy. Enroll in one of the best fitness centres in Singapore like Gold’s Gym to keep your body in tiptop shape and to sharpen your mind.

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