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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 26 May 2012, 03:00pm View »

Singapore Gym.

Know The Different Services You Can Get From A Singapore Gym

Work, lifestyle and food are some of the things that have a direct impact on people’s health and figure. In Singapore many are worried about how they can lose weight and achieve a healthier body in spite of their tight schedule. Hence most residents find it necessary to enroll in gyms and fitness centers. Enrolling in a Singapore gym requires only a fraction of their time to achieve toned muscles, lose weight and condition their bodies for special events.


Singapore Gyms Help You Tone Your Body And Gain Muscles

The number one reason why people go to the gym is vanity. People want to look their best by losing or gaining weight. People who feel that they need to lose weight go to the gym to achieve this dream. Attending a Singapore gym will not miraculously make you thin overnight, but it can help you lose weight safely and effectively.
Moreover, enrolling in a gym is a great way for people to gain weight and tone muscles. There are routines which are designed to help you gain weight and develop muscles. Those who want to look attractive can turn to the gym to attain the body that they’ve been dreaming of.


Improve Your Health Through Gyms In Singapore

Aside from achieving physical improvements, getting a workout in a Singapore gym can also improve your health. Aerobic exercise for example can help you gain a healthier heart and improve your stamina.
Some go to the gym to get healed from certain health problems such as cancer, stroke, and diabetes. Getting yourself a personal coach while working out is a quick and safe way for you to improve your health condition.


Other Reasons To Enroll In Singapore Gyms

Aside from improving health conditions Singaporeans find it necessary to go to the gym when there are particular events they are preparing for such as weddings. People who are getting married want to look their best during the big day. Getting a pre-wedding weight loss routine from a Singapore gym is one effective way to get into the weight you want before your wedding.
Going to the gym is also an effective therapy for women who are about to give birth. It can help them reduce pains and cramps during the actual child delivery.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 21 May 2012, 04:00pm View »

Personal Trainer.

Factors To Consider When Choosing Your Personal Trainer

No, exercise coaches are no longer just for the rich and famous. Nowadays, gyms offer personal trainers as part of the membership package.
The reason for this is that exercise programs have become more tailortfit to the needs of every client. Thus, a personal trainer works with each one individually to ensure that the exercise program is correctly followed.
The success of your physical transformation initiative also rests on your fitness coach. He or she motivates you, monitors your progress and identifies areas where you need to improve.
To ensure that you get the maximum benefits of your gym program, it is imperative that you hire the best personal trainer.


Qualifications To Look For In Your Personal Trainer

While there are trainers who actually have college degrees on Human Kinetics or Physical Education, there are others still who earned the job through informal training and short-term courses.
The first thing you should ask from your personal trainer is a list of references. Talking to past and current clients is the only way for you to gauge if you can work with him or her as well.
By talking to people who have been under the tutelage and guidance of your exercise teacher, you will be able to gauge how you two will work together, as well.
Another factor you should check and double-check are his or her certifications. These professional credentials are very important in determining the ability of your personal trainer to actually handle individual cases.
Credible agencies include the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), and American Council on Exercise (ACE).
Learning of your prospective exercise coach’s training and exercise philosophy is also important. What is important is for him or her to explain and describe to you in a coherent manner how he or she will help you achieve your fitness goals.


A Physical Look Matching The Promised Services Of Your Personal Trainer

While the adage “Do not judge a book by its cover” is generally true, not so when evaluating a personal trainer. After all, would you really be confident if your prospective exercise coach is in a worse shape than you are?
So, do not be too worried if you find yourself giving prospective trainers a critical once over. Fitness trainers must be living, breathing examples of the benefits of exercise.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 19 May 2012, 12:00pm View »

Workout Classes.

Tips On How To Seriously Enjoy Workout Classes

Hitting the gym is like kids having to eat their vegetables. You don’t have to like it but you know you should eat them because they’re good for the body. Going to the gym for your workout classes is not an act that can easily excite most people. In fact, it can be a struggle for some, and if not for the absolute knowledge that the body will be strong, healthy and, yes, sexy after sweating off excess pounds in the gym, no one will enroll in any of the fitness programs available.


Workout Classes Need Not Be Boring And Tedious

Nowadays, a number of reputable fitness gyms in Singapore offer various fitness programs to their clients. You can actually choose which activity you wish to be part of. That means you won’t feel that you’ve been ruthlessly bullied to take the treadmill even if you’re not happy to do stationary running. You pick those which you know you’ll enjoy and be good at. But don’t ever think that you’ll not sweat your body off, because you will. These are, after all, still exercise.


Workout Classes With A Gym Buddy

There are many options for making exercise a happy time than a dreadful one. For instance, you can find yourself a gym buddy. This will make keeping fit double the “fun”. In the long run, after weeks of attending the program with this person, you’ll not only seriously think that it is really fun but it will start to change your lifestyle in a healthy manner.
One important tip in choosing a fitness buddy is this: choose someone with the same goals and who will encourage you in your quest for a healthier lifestyle. He or she should be tough during the course of the trainings and knows the importance of keeping the body in great shape.
Another great trick for you and your pal to enjoy your time in the gym is to try as many workout classes as you can, aside from just using workout machines and equipment. For example, take a beginners’ yoga for the next three months, then switch to kickboxing or aerobics. Shuffling workout programs will make your life in the gym more interesting.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 15 May 2012, 03:15pm View »

Gym For Fitness.

Gym For Slimming Programs For Beginners

Choosing the right gym for slimming is a big factor in maintaining a healthy body. If you took time off from the gym, chances are you’ll feel a bit uninspired to get back at it. Yet the time to go back is NOW. Step one is make a gym date and make an appearance.


Many people find that exercising in a gym helps to keep them regimented and encouraged towards attaining their weight loss targets. Moreover, the aid of a fitness trainer and learning the proper way to do specific workouts provides a clinical advantage to your fitness regimen.


Gym For Slimming Truths You Must Understand

To start with, you must realise that although you may be anticipating in joining a gym program, it’s not a mandatory element of a weight loss program. A great number of people have won their weight loss battles without signing up a gym membership. By just applying your own exercise routine and a well balanced and proper diet, you can achieve your weight targets. Having said that, fitness center is still the most ideal place to lose weight and get healthy.
In case you haven’t exercised in a gym before, you can feel rather lost the first time you step in. It’s certainly vital that you get the assistance of a trained fitness professional. Any good trainer asks about your body capabilities, goals, as well as workout and health background, prior to getting you started.


Gym For Slimming: Building Your Own Program

It’s also crucial to complete a proper warm-up and cool-down at every gym session. Newbies can quickly lose sight of this, but it’s the stretches you do at the start that maintains your body flexible and clear of common exercise accidents and strains. The cool-down at the conclusion of the program safeguards you from cramping up the following day and helps your recovery.
Have enough rest and restoration, since it is only at that time of rest after a workout that your muscle tissues will conform to your new activities, thus making them stronger. As a beginner, your gym for slimming program must not exceed five times a week.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 14 May 2012, 04:00pm View »

Weight Loss.

What Has Weight Loss Got To Do With Having A Wonderful Life?

What is the key to having a wonderful life? Is it money? Or is it fame? It is not any of the two. However, you might agree that successful weight loss can be the key to lasting happiness. A person who has a fit body does not only look good; health benefits are also associated with being within one’s ideal body weight.
If you never realized it, hunger is not the number one killer. Actually, the leading causes of death all over the world are diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart ailments, and even depression. These diseases are usually present when one is grossly overweight.
If one is overweight, there are chances that the individual has been hindered from enjoying taking part in various activities. One can feel so awkward when carrying the excess weight around. Most overweight people shun social activities for fear that they will be called klutzes in these gatherings. Weight loss is an effective solution to this type of problem. In addition, losing weight can help alleviate medical conditions such as those mentioned above. With weight loss, you have improved heart function, blood pressure, glucose tolerance, and cholesterol levels. Sleep disorders are known to lessen or to disappear with weight loss.
Experiencing weight loss is like a form of freedom. One will be able to wear clothes that are in fashion, and they would never have to worry about finding the right size for them. With all the healthy weight loss, clothes will fit better. Better-fitting clothes can enhance one’s self-confidence. Enhanced self-confidence leads to more fulfilling experiences and meaningful human interactions. Experience a shift in people’s perception about yourself, and experience a change in your relationships with others when you are within your ideal weight!
Weight loss is also known to motivate a person to work harder. If you feel that your career is flagging, perhaps losing weight can regain your sense of purpose and motivate you to do your best in your chosen field. Here’s to that foreseeable promotion and a slimmer you!

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 12 May 2012, 05:00pm View »

Pilates Classes.

Pilates Classes: Top 5 Benefits Of Core Strength Workouts

If you have spent countless times searching for the best workout that can give you core strength without giving you a bulky body, why not consider enrolling in one of the numerous Pilates classes offered in reputable fitness centers?


A Background On Pilates Classes

The exercise program was designed by a man named Joseph Pilates. Formerly a weak individual, Joseph Pilates initially used the set of moves to achieve core strength. Later, when his exercise method became known throughout the world, dancers and gymnasts used the exercises to develop their muscular strength and, at the same time, maintain their lithe physique.


Pilates Classes: What You Need To Know Before Enrolling In One

Pilates is a specialized workout program. Because of this, the Pilates Method Alliance requires fitness trainers to acquire certification before they can handle Pilates classes. If you are interested in enrolling in a Pilates exercise program and have already gotten in touch with a trainer, politely inquire about his or her certification. By asking to see your trainer’s certification, you not only make sure that you will be getting the correct workout instructions but you also ensure that you achieve your fitness goals in the safest way possible.


The Benefits Of Pilates Classes

Once you’ve found the right trainer, here are the benefits that you can achieve from doing core strength workouts.


  1. It strengthens your muscles and yet gives you a leaner, lither physique. Unlike other body-building workouts, Pilates exercises do not rely on repetitive moves but focus on the entire body through stretch exercises.
  2. It helps you achieve more graceful movements. Through the stretching exercises of this method, one’s stabilizer muscles are developed. Thus, you attain a stronger sense of balance.
  3. It strengthens your mind. Joseph Pilates designed his exercise program so that the person is mindful of every move being made by his or her body. The breathing techniques encourage the reduction of stress and help reduce feelings of depression.
  4. It prevents you from having future injuries. When one’s sense of balance is already developed and one’s movement becomes more graceful, the suppleness of the whole body protects one from injuries.
  5. It builds up your core strength. Pilates classes help develop the strength in your body’s core, i.e., strengthens your abdominal and back muscles.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 12 May 2012, 04:00pm View »

Personal Trainer.

Your Personal Hero Saves The Day (In A Manner Of Speaking)

Who cheers you on when you are about to give up? Who is with you each day, willing to sweat it out and count out loud each time you do your sit-ups? Who assures you that you will soon look lovely in that tight-fitting number? It’s your personal trainer, of course.


Your Personal Trainer Might Well Be A Hero

Isn’t it an admirable thing for the personal trainer to provide support for you during the time that you are working hard to attain the fit body that you would like to have? For this, your trainer can be even called a hero. Here is one person who is intent in seeing that you succeed in your fitness goals, and would do everything to make sure that there will be positive results.


How To Choose The Best Personal Trainer: The Certification

You ought to know by now that a personal gym instructor is instrumental in your success in achieving the fitness goals you’ve set for yourself. You must also realize that there are factors you need to be aware of in choosing the personal instructor who can help you achieve your fitness goals.
Choose to work out with a professional personal trainer. With all the hype about fitness, there are many individuals who would claim that they are professional gym instructors. However, many of them have not been certified to train an individual in various workout regimens, let alone recommend a fitness and nutrition program that will help a gym member attain his or her fitness goals. If you are planning to train with a personal instructor, politely ask to see a certification that qualifies the person to be a gym instructor. If the instructor is qualified, he or she would not be offended by your request.


Your Rapport With The Personal Trainer Matters

So you’ve heard of this gym that has certified and professional gym instructors. The next thing that you must consider is how you get along with the personal trainer. The rapport that you establish with your personal gym instructor is another motivating factor for you to successfully accomplish your workout until you achieve the results that you are after. As much as possible, personally meet the instructor assigned to you prior to your first workout. This way, you will know if you can get along with the person who will play an important role in getting you in tip-top shape.

Category: Personal Trainer

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 12 May 2012, 02:00pm View »

Singapore Gym Classes.

Singapore Gym Classes: Various Types Of Interesting Fitness Activities

For a lot of people, going to the gym isn’t exactly an enjoyable activity. They would avoid it if they could, but they know they need to achieve their ideal weight. Working out in the gym means just that, work. It’s not necessarily what we want to do, but must. Fortunately, exercising in the gym doesn’t have to be uninteresting. There are different Singapore gym classes we can choose from to break the monotony.
If lifting weights is not your thing, don’t worry, you can still develop strong, powerful arms with other exercise equipment. Gym machines and classes give variations in our workouts. If one machine is too difficult for you or maybe too boring, you can use another one that you think is more stimulating and fun.
Singapore gym classes are not just limited with workout machines and equipment. You can also join aerobics class or other physical fitness group sessions wherein you get to exercise with others. Depending on the schedule available, you can join yoga classes, taebo, or kickboxing. The idea is to engage into an activity that excites and motivates you enough to want to actually step foot in the gym and achieve your desired weight.


Losing Weight The Fun Way With Singapore Gym Classes

Finding the right workout activity that interests you is easy; maintaining that interest is a challenge. Sure, the stepping machine looks fun today, but you may variety and switch to rowing machine every now and then. By trying out different equipment, you can break the repetitiveness of your gym visits, making your workout sessions more interesting.
If it helps, get a gym buddy. Working out in the gym with a friend makes the whole time you spent inside shorter. Getting into the elliptical cross-trainer seems less strenuous if a friend also does the same in the adjacent machine. Just knowing that you have a friend who does gym activities with you makes the session less grueling. You can both remind each other never to give up and push each other to give more.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 6 May 2012, 11:00am View »

Fitness Class Singapore.

Getting Fit Has Never Been This Easy With Fitness Class Singapore

Are you dying to sport a gorgeous physique but can’t seem to find time to exercise? Are you a fitness enthusiast who just can’t find the perfect way to shed off those unwanted fats? Do you want to embark on a serious quest for a healthier lifestyle? If yes, then it’s about time you pursue your fitness goals…with decisiveness.


Different Types Of Fitness Class Singapore

If you’re among those who have hectic schedules, fret no more. There are many fitness classes in Singapore that can accommodate your needs, without causing further strain on your already busy life.


Kick Boxing

The popularity of kickboxing as a weight loss class started roughly 15 years ago and still is going strong! The reason is that you can burn anywhere from 300 to 700 calories in a single session. Now that’s a lot of calories eliminated!



Zumba is popular for two reasons. Aside from being a fat burner, it’s packed with loads of fun! Zumba features a groovy fitness ambience with its interesting mesh of traditional Latin music and serious fat burning routines. With a dance party theme, Zumba sessions are truly enjoyable. Amazing results appear in a relatively brief period of time, mainly because every session is fast paced. In addition, you may actually end up learning how to dance when all is said and done!



Most of the time, yoga is not considered a weight loss activity. Contrary to popular belief, yoga can be used as a weight loss alternative. How is this achieved? Basically, gentle stretches in yoga help tone muscles.


Choose A Fitness Class Singapore That Suits You

Of course, there are other fitness classes in Singapore that you can enrol in to lose weight; you just need to exert more effort to find the ideal one that suits your needs. Once you do, you’ll discover that losing weight is truly a rewarding experience.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 3 May 2012, 03:00pm View »

Bulk Up.

The Best Way To Bulk Up

Physique is now an important factor for most people today particularly in men. Due to this inclination, there are already numerous options that they can opt for in order to increase their muscle mass. Most lean on the healthy side while there are still some who prefer to stay on the unhealthy portion of the trend.


How To Bulk Up In A Healthy Manner

The body is composed of approximately 42% skeletal muscles. Some of the major internal organs like the heart are aided by a group of muscle tissues in order for it to function. With these facts, it is a proof that everyone, not only men, should be knowledgeable on the different means and ways to exercise, not necessarily to Bulk Up, every muscle group in the human system.
As mentioned earlier, exercise, which is composed of varying body movements, is still the best option in sculpting and bulking up.


Tips On How To Bulk Up

To increase muscle size at a faster rate, the following are tips, which do not guarantee instant rather great results.
Visiting the gym while following a regular schedule, four to five times in a week, consisting of weight lifting and cardiovascular exercises, will aid in creating and revealing a well-formed physique respectively. The former will increase the size while the latter will dissolve the fat covering up the muscles.
Protein, this is a food component that is responsible for muscle tissue repair and formation; hence, it is essential to increase intake of foods which are protein-rich.
Vitamins and minerals are also vital especially when going on intensive training because it enhances stamina in order for the body to endure even the most strenuous form of weight lifting exercise.
Remember that activities to increase muscle mass should not be done abruptly wherein the normal routine is changed suddenly because this may cause negative results that can cause the body to collapse.

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