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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 21 Jan 2012, 04:00pm View »

Burn Fat Effectively.

An Insight Into How To Burn Fat Effectively

Fat burning means oxidizing or burning fat so that it can be used as a fuel for the body instead of using carbohydrates. If fat is not burned it gets accumulated in the body, especially in the muscle and other tissues; which ultimately interferes with the metabolism regulation. In a nutshell, if excess fat is burned efficiently, a person can stay healthy.


For instance, a well-trained athlete has an increased capacity to burn fat. This ensures that fatty acids or fat is used as fuel when carbohydrate becomes limited in the body. However, patients suffering from diabetes and obesity are not able to burn fat that way which keeps the fat in the body.


Burn Fat Effectively Through Balanced Diet

The most important factor in burning fat is having a regular and balanced diet. This means that instead of having 3 large meals a day, five small portions of food should be consumed. This will ensure that the body is able to utilise the calories that are taken in the five small meals, instead of accumulating fatty acids from the 3 large meals; hence keeping the cholesterol level down. If the correct foods are eaten according to weight, height and gender of a person, then burning body fat is a very simple task.


Burn Fat Effectively Through Exercise

The second most important factor is to make the body work so that fatty acids accumulated in the body are burned. Burning few calories through using stairs instead of elevator, walking short distances every day, avoiding vehicle for short distances, are some of the little changes in the lifestyle which can make a big difference.


The rate of fat oxidation during exercise depends on the intensity of the exercise; hence a resistance based exercise is advised to shed excess fat from the body. Strength training workouts with repetitions speeds up the fat-burning process. The low-repetitions and heavy-weights will work wonders in the fat-burning process.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 21 Jan 2012, 04:00pm View »

Weight Loss Singapore.

Weight Loss Singapore: Bringing In The Positive Changes In Your Life

What do you think is the indicator of a happy life? Is it money? Is it fame? It is not either of the two. But most probably, you’ll agree that weight loss can give you a degree of happiness that a lot of money or fame can never bestow. If overweight individuals achieve their ideal body weight after battling obesity for most of their lives, most people who experience a significance weight loss can feel true happiness and a degree of freedom.
Furthermore, if you do not know this, the number one killer throughout the world is not hunger. The leading causes of death all over the world are illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart ailments, and even depression. These diseases are usually present when one is grossly overweight.
Weight loss Singapore – Most overweight individuals shun social activities, such as dancing, because they are afraid to look ungraceful and awkward. Losing weight is an effective answer to this dilemma. In addition, losing weight can help control or even cure medical conditions such as those mentioned above. With weight loss, a person can have improved heart function, lower blood pressure, good glucose tolerance, and lower bad cholesterol levels. Weight loss is also known to treat or alleviate sleep disorders.
One can say that weight loss is a form of freedom. One will be able to wear trendy clothes without worrying about finding the right size. With all the healthy weight loss, clothes will fit better. Better-fitting clothes makes a person look good. Looking good can enhance one’s self-confidence. Enhanced self-confidence leads to more fulfilling experiences and meaningful human interactions. See for yourself how people’s perception about you shift when they see that you’ve lost some weight. People will be kinder and relationships will improve!
Weight loss is also known to motivate a person to work harder. If you feel that your career is flagging, perhaps losing weight can regain your sense of purpose and motivate you to do your best in your chosen occupation.
Losing weight does not mean changing who you are. It means showing the world the best person you can be.

Category: Weight Loss

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 20 Jan 2012, 04:00pm View »

Fitness Gym In Singapore.

Choosing A Fitness Gym In Singapore

Are you looking for a Fitness Gym In Singapore? The task of locating a fitness gym that will fit your unique needs and interests is easier said than done, this is because of the sheer number of fitness gyms that have popped up in recent years as a response to the ever growing need for ways to keep a healthy mind and body.


Having said that, here are a few tips to help you locate a fitness gym that’s just right for you.


Fitness Gym In Singapore; Location, Location, Location

Being consistent is the first thing that you should keep in mind when planning to join a fitness gym, or when starting a fitness regimen of any kind. This is because in the world of health and fitness, there are no instant results and shortcuts, and it takes time and dedication to achieve the results that you desire.
Knowing this, you should look for a gym that is located near your daily route to work or just around the corner from your home. This makes your regular trips to the fitness gym easier, and decreases the chances of you losing interest in your fitness regimen just because going to the gym is too much of a hassle.


What To Look For In A Fitness Gym In Singapore

Once you have narrowed down your choices to a few gyms located around your area, it is time to visit each of these choices and check out what they have to offer.

Top notch fitness gyms should also have top notch exercise equipment and skilled fitness instructors who can guide you every step of the way on your quest to optimum health and fitness.

A great gym can also provide their clients with customized fitness regimens complete with nutritional plans and health courses. These resources allow gym members to access a smart and systematic approach to obtaining great results.


These are the traits that you should look for in a fitness gym.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 19 Jan 2012, 04:50pm View »

Personal Trainer Singapore.

Personal Trainer Singapore – A Hero Of Sorts

What does a personal trainer do? A personal trainer in Singapore might be going the extra mile to help you get back in shape. After all, who would willingly stand by your side as you sweat buckets? Who would call out the number of reps you are doing and encourage you to do some more despite the evil looks you are giving him or her? Only a personal trainer would be up to that kind of treatment.


You Might As Well Award Your Personal Trainer With A Hero’s Medal

Being your all-around cheerleader and fitness instructor is an admirable occupation for someone like your trainer. These individuals are determined to see you achieve your fitness goals, and for that they would willingly work with you until they see the results that you envision together. After all, working out with the guidance of a personal trainer is always a collaborative effort. But it will be the personal trainer who will design the workout routines and analyze what particular diet will help you reach your ideal weight and body size.


Choosing The Best Personal Trainer In Singapore: Ask For The Certification

Considering that you are already aware of the important role played by a personal trainer in your fitness program, you must also know that there are certain factors that you must keep in mind when selecting the person who will guide you in your exercise regimen.
Make it a point to work out with a professional personal trainer in Singapore. With all the trends about being fit and living a healthy lifestyle, there are many folks out there who would claim that they are qualified instructors. Nevertheless, a lot of them may not have acquired legitimate certifications to back their claims. They might not be certified to train an individual in various workout regimens, let alone recommend dietary regimen for you to follow. If you are planning to train with a personal instructor, it would not hurt to politely ask to see a certification that proves that the person is a professional instructor. If the instructor is indeed qualified, he or she would not feel insulted by your request.

Category: Personal Trainer

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 17 Jan 2012, 05:00pm View »

True Fitness.

The Role Of Qualified Fitness Instructors In Achieving True Fitness
What Is True Fitness?

Whenever we hear the word fitness, we usually think of either losing weight or bulging muscles. But True Fitness isn’t purely about chiselled abs or bodybuilder figures. It is not just having a beautiful figure. Pure fitness is maintaining the right kind of body and the right state of mind through the proper diet and training.


True and correct fitness is being able feel good about yourself. It is being healthy and capable of doing your daily and recreational activities without fatigue and injuries. It is being able to keep diseases at bay and being able to respond well to different and even alarming situations. Those chocolate abs and hourglass figures are just among the many benefits you get from pursuing it.
Fitness can be determined through measuring different physical skills, body composition, health conditions, and even personal dispositions. Apart from your own little ways of taking care of your body, seeking professional assistance is an efficient means to ensure you achieve True Fitness.


Effective Means Of Gaining True Fitness.

True and proper fitness can only be achieved through discipline and right health practices. Forget about diet fads and unsafe rapid weight loss pills. Forget about starving to death. Most diet fads today cause rapid weight loss that is temporary and unhealthy. Do not spend your money on products that will only cause problems later. Instead, sign up to a fitness gym where professional and qualified health instructors are always ready to keep fit, one step at a time.
A fitness instructor is not just your average well-physique fellow who happens to know about workout machines and equipment. He or she is a trainer who specializes in human anatomy, training methods, and nutrition. Your trainer doesn’t just order you to this or that kind of exercise. He or she evaluates your physical components and recommends a suitable training according to your needs. The fitness instructor is an important person who guides you towards a fit body and healthier lifestyle.
Right fitness is attained through hardwork and persistence. Most fitness gyms today are well-equipped with training equipment and exercise machines. Moreover, they provide services and other facilities that will surely make your pursuit a fun and memorable experience.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 16 Jan 2012, 10:00am View »

Fitness Gym Singapore.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Fitness Gym Singapore

Working out is also maintaining your health. One should choose a workout method carefully because it will definitely bring about changes in the body. Choosing a fitness gym is equally important. You have to choose the right trainer and the right facilities for your needs. Here are tips and other factors you should consider before deciding on a gym.


Going to the gym should be something you do on a regular basis. Most people choose a gym close to their home or workplace so that they can easily drop by for their sessions. The location of the gym you chooses should be convenient to ensure that you’d be able to come regularly and maintain your workout plan.


Fitness Gym Singapore: Modern Equipment And Facilities.

Check out the type and number of equipment in the gym. There should be a variety of weights and other cardio machines. Ask the gym staff about the peak hours when other gym members start coming in to workout. Make sure that you can use all the equipment you need either by avoiding the peak hours or making sure that the gym has plenty of equipment available for use.
The quality of the facilities and equipment matters as well. It is not enough that there are enough to use, they should also be kept clean and in a good working condition. You wouldn’t want to use and gamble on your safety with old and rusty machines. Dirty showers and battered equipment are signs of poor management in the gym.


Fitness Gym Singapore: Effective Programs And Reliable Staff.

Gym staff and fitness trainers set the commercial and professional fitness gym experience different from that of a home gym. You can’t just entrust your body to anyone. Make sure you find friendly and helpful staff and qualified trainers who can create a fitness program that specifically meets your needs. They should be able to provide proper training, whether it’s losing weight or building some body mass.
Signing up for fitness gym membership can be advantageous. Fitness gyms offer exclusive services to its members. However, the amount of membership fees should be considered before signing up. People go to the gym to stay fit, not to use up all their earnings. Sign up only on the services you need. It would be a waste if you pay for extra services and facilities that you do not use at all.

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 14 Jan 2012, 11:00am View »

Personal Trainers Singapore.

Gain Muscle With The Help Of Personal Trainers Singapore Fitness Centers Have

People are all different from each other. There are tall and short people. Some are fat or chubby while others are thin or skinny. Usually, health, fitness and weight issues are associated with chubby people. Most people don’t realize that skinny people also experience weight issues just like overweight people. If you are a skinny and you want to build some muscle, it is important that you get the help of personal trainers Singapore gyms have.
Certified trainers in Singapore are experts in making fitness programs for any body type. They evaluate your medical history, your present state of fitness, your lifestyle and most importantly, your eating habits. These fitness instructors are your allies in having the body you want.


Personal Trainers Singapore – Stop Others From Calling You Names

Men don’t want to be thin. Since men are usually physically stronger than women, they don’t want to give an impression of weakness, which is often associated with thinness. As a child, you may have been teased a lot. Bullies may have called you a walking stick, anorexic, Skeletor, String Bean or other names because of your body.
To bulk up, you are given a fitness program and a diet plan prepared by a professional trainer. Usually for weight and muscle gaining programs, the recommended diet would contain calorie dense food like pasta and milk. In terms of strength training and bodybuilding, you start with the largest muscles on your body. As you go through the program, you’ll see some gradual changes as you start gaining weight and muscle.


Personal Trainers Singapore Gyms Have Help You Maintain Your Bulked Up Physique

Unlike people who were previously overweight, your struggle is to keep the weight on. Your trainer would regularly update your fitness program so that your diet and strength program are on track to maintain your weight.
Strictly follow the program your trainer gives you and you’d surely get the results you want. From being thin, you are going to be muscular and strong. Not only will you be physically stronger, you will also be more confident about yourself.

Category: Articles, Personal Trainer

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 13 Jan 2012, 05:25pm View »

Fitness Personal Trainer.

Fitness Instructional Videos Versus A Fitness Personal Trainer

As we get older, we tend to gravitate towards a healthy lifestyle. We would want to prolong our time here on earth. Thus, we change our eating habits and begin eating nutritious food. When we are motivated enough, we decide that what our lives need is an exercise regimen to keep our muscles toned and our body supple. With the fitness hype influencing our generation, there are a lot of gyms and exercise training videos cropping up daily. But which is indeed better – getting one’s workout through instructional videos or through an actual, flesh-and-blood fitness personal trainer.
This article will discuss the advantage and disadvantages of both options.
One main advantage of instructional videos over a fitness personal trainer is the convenience of time. If you are an individual engrossed in your career, you would not have time to spare to go to a gym. However, once you get home (no matter what hour it is) you can easily pop a CD of an exercise program onto your player and work out along to the instructions on the video.
Still, there is a growing trend in personal training regimens, and it is in the form of freelance personal trainers. A freelancing fitness personal trainer might have a highly flexible schedule so that he or she can be present to give you guidance in your workout at your most convenient time.
A good fitness personal trainer would be able to correct your wrong “form” when you do your exercises. Instructional videos cannot give this hands-on guidance, so there are numerous accidents occurring when people wrongly position themselves to copy what is shown on exercise videos.
A certified and professional fitness personal trainer can assess a client’s fitness needs and design the appropriate workout regimen for the person. Moreover, the fitness instructor can give face-to-face encouragement for the individual who may be disheartened with the results of the exercise program. Instructional videos can never give that personalized touch provided by a personal fitness instructor.

Category: Personal Trainer

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 9 Jan 2012, 03:00pm View »

Personal Training.

Experience Personal Training At Gold’s Gym

Most people who feel the need to sign up for membership with fitness centers are almost always taken aback by the idea that they would be left alone to themselves, without any idea on which equipment to use, thus delaying the physical and health-related results that they have in mind. With Gold’s Gym’s expertise in personal training, however, one may confidently shun away this misconception.


The more personal feel of training offered in first-rate fitness centers is the driving factor why members feel the fun in working out instead of the usual pressure exerted on tired bodies. Going around the gym is an elite group of certified fitness professionals who are always ready to offer sound recommendations on the best fitness tools to make use of, depending on the client’s needs and objectives. To make this set up more effective, a reasonably priced one-on-one personal training session with an available trainer can be availed of just by consulting the gym managers.
At Gold’s Gym, one can be assured that personal training is one of the foremost priorities. From the day a member signs up, a complete evaluation of his health and physical condition is made and properly recorded under his account. This is to make sure that he truly knows the direction that he wants to take in terms of managing the overall state of his health. But it does not stop here.
During the course of the entire membership, regular evaluations are made available to see how near a client has come to his desired outcomes. Once the outcome has been achieved, the focus then shifts to the ways on how to maintain the results. It is a continuous process that defines the concept of what personal training should really be.
Some people have the luxury of a gym facility right inside their own homes. At Gold’s Gym, the cozy experience of a more personal training even outside of a client’s home is certainly within reach.

Category: Personal Training

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by Gold's Gym Pte Ltd on 8 Jan 2012, 03:00pm View »

Fitness Trainer Courses.

Education Is Important, Especially For Personal Trainers – Check What Fitness Trainer Courses Your Personal Exercise Coach Has Finished

Given that you are serious about achieving your health and wellness goals, you enroll in a gym and decide to work with a fitness trainer.
Naturally, choosing a gym was hard enough with so many factors to consider – the distance to your home or place of work, the kinds of equipment, the programs offered, and even the cost of membership.
But choosing the right exercise coach is also a serious matter, so pay close attention to this task as well.
Your personal trainer must be well-informed and updated on the latest trends and developments in health and wellness matters. He or she is your guide when it comes to the maze of machines and methods available at the gym.
An important role of your fitness trainer is that of a motivator. He or she must be able to push you with the right amounts of encouragement and motivation to persevere in reaching your fitness goals.


Check The Educational Background Of Your Personal Exercise Teacher

Working with your body is serious business. Thus, make sure your personal coach is a trained professional who understands the needs of the body during a workout. More importantly, he or she must know how to deal with emergencies.
Your personal exercise mentor must have finished fitness trainer courses in credible universities. Examples of degrees that are related to fitness training are a degree in Physical Kinetics, Physical Education and Physical Science.
Aside from these fitness trainer courses, your exercise coach should also be certified by the APFA, NASM, or NCSF.


An Exercise Coach Without The Traditional College Degree

Of course, you may chance upon a really great personal trainer who did not finish a course in the traditional fields such as Physical Education. This is still ok, as long as he or she has taken short term fitness trainer courses on biomechanics, nutrition, manual therapy, injury prevention or performance enhancement.
Other fitness trainer courses that your coach should have taken would be on first aid and CPR.
It is imperative that your personal trainer is adequately trained for any emergencies to ensure you safety and wellbeing as you work out in the gym.

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Gold's Gym Singapore
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